Rewrite the Code 

Ignite innovation with inclusivity through the power of psychological safety

A fireside chat featuring award-winning engineer Dr. Mark McBride-Wright and Northeastern’s College of Engineering Dean Gregory Abowd

Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Time: 12:00 p.m.—1:30 p.m. (doors open at 11:30 a.m.)

Location: Northeastern University, Fenway Center

77 St Stephen St, Boston, MA 02115

Who: For engineers and non-engineers, including all students, faculty, and staff

Rewrite the Code

Ignite innovation with inclusivity through the power of psychological safety

Join Award-Winning Engineer and Industry Consultant Dr. Mark McBride-Wright and Northeastern’s College of Engineering Dean Gregory Abowd for a fireside chat to explore the importance of inclusivity and DEI strategies in the workplace and beyond, and how they can ensure mental and physical safety.

  • Learn how inclusivity in the workplace and beyond can ensure mental and physical safety
  • Understand how to use DEI to maximize skillsets
  • Explore impactful case studies increasing representation of minoritized groups in engineering
  • Discover DEI strategies to enhance productivity and safety in teams
  • Transform the way you lead in all areas of your life

Lunch will be provided.

Dr Mark McBride-Wright is the Founder and Managing Director of EqualEngineers, a company offering a wide array of diversity & inclusion consultancy and training services, as well as creative events. He has also worked with many Fortune 50 companies.

As a recognised diversity and inclusion leader, he is the recipient of the prestigious Rooke Award from the Royal Academy of Engineering in July 2022 for his work in promoting in engineering to the public. In June 2023, he was awarded an MBE for services to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the King’s Birthday Honours. He is a Visiting Professor of Inclusive Engineering Leadership at University College London, and author of The SAFE Leader© (due for release in March 2024).